Aw: [translations] learning manual translated to german

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Am 15.09.15 um 18:45 schrieb Michael Gerdau:
Dear translators,
Hallo Michael!

Great to see that someone is again taking care of the German translation. I used to be almost the only translator to German, but didn't have had the time in the last two years or so anymore. And I am still growing the size of my garden and my family so time is even more sparse by now and probably also in the future.

I wanted just to share a file with you in which I have collected terminology for the translation. The file is not in the best order and obviously quite a lot is missing but it might be a start to sort this out...
Hope it helps.

Sometimes I also thought about using some translation program to get consistency into the different expressions, but I never managed to do so.

It seems you have had a good start and I am really glad that you have the time to contribute to lilypond!

I will try to care at least about the lilypond binary translation which is hosted on But I wouldn't mind if you also want to do this task.


meanwhile I continued to update the german translation. Find attached
a patch to bring the learning manual up-to-date with the english one.

However there is a caveat:
When I tried to build the docuentation I get an error. I'm pointed to
learning.texi2pdf.log (in Documention/de) and there I find quite a few
comlpaints about undefined cross references.

AFAICT all these are correctly defined in the *.itely files.
However they all use special german characters in UTF-8 encoding.
Is that a problem ?
And if so, how am I supposed to deal with that ?

Or is the real problem something completely different ?

Please advise.

One of the attached Patchfiles is fairly large. That leads to the
question what is the desired way of preparing these patches:
1) one (or very few) big patches ?
2) many small incremental patches ?

Kind regards,

Glossar für die �bersetzung: einzelne Begriffe

The GNU music typesetter = Das GNU Notensatzprogramm
Importing ABC = ABC-Dateien importieren
Older LilyPond versions = älter LilyPond-Versionen
importing Finale = Finale-Dateien importieren
Integrating text and music = Noten in den Text integrieren
Importing MIDI = Midi-Dateien importieren
Importing MUP = Mup-Dateien importieren

The music typesetter = das Notensatzprogramm
Learning Manual = Handbuch zum Lernen (LM)
Notation Reference = Benutzerhandbuch (NR)
Programm reference = Programmreferenz
Internals reference = Referenz der Programminterna
Tutorial = Ã?bung
cheat sheet = Befehlsübersicht
LilyPond command index = LilyPond Befehlsindex
LilyPond index = LilyPond-Index
template = Vorlage
valid = zulässig
input file = Quelldatei
parsing = Dateianalyse (durch das Programm)
stencil = Matrize (Vorlage)
padding = Füllen, Füllung, Verschiebung, Abstand
block comment = Block-Kommentar
octave check = Oktavüberprüfung
relatvie octaves = relative Oktavenbezeichnung
@rglos{sharp} = Kreuz
tie = Bindebogen
slur = Legatobogen
phrasing slur = Phrasierungsbogen
articulation = Artikulationszeichen
anacrusis = Auftakt
music expression = musikalischer Ausdruck
raised octave = Oktavierung
lowered octave =Oktavierung nach unten
dynamics = Dynamik
articulations = Artikulationszeichen
grace notes = Verzierungen
program reference = Programmreferenz
tweak = Optimierung, Korrektur
hairpin =Gabel
polyphony = Mehrstimmigkeit
hyphen = Trennstrich
extender = Fülllinien
text spanners = Text mit Verbindungslinien
spanner = Linie
text marks = textartige Zeichen
text markups = Textbeschriftung
dynamics = Lautstärke
multimeasure rests = mehrtaktige Pausen
quoting other voices = Stichnoten
feathered beams = gespreizte Balken
educational use = pädagogische Verwendung
hidden notes = unsichtbare Noten
changing default = standardeinstellungen verändern
on the fly = lokal
context = Umgebung
interface = Schnittstelle
spacing =Abstände
common conventions = Defintionen
staff/staves = Notensystem, System
system = Notensystemgruppe, Systemgruppe
staff-group = gruppierte Notensysteme

für die templates:
Notes and lyrics = Noten und Text

alteration = Alteration

item = Punkt, Element, Gegenstand

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