Re: [translations] updated patch for learning manual translated into german

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Il giorno sab 19 set 2015 alle 23:16, Michael Gerdau <mgd@xxxxxxx> ha scritto:
I've modified your commit-ID in learning in order they appear as up to
 date when running check-translation and committed everything.

I thought I had done that - at least I had meant to do it, i.e. used
the result of
git rev-list HEAD | head -1

Apparently something went wrong there.

The command above takes the commit-ID of the latest _local_ commit, not the latest _remote_ commit. If you had write access on the repository, that ID would be the same you have in your local copy. But, as you do not have write access and Jean-Charles pushed your patches, the commit-ID changed and the one used in your file cannot work.

If you try `git show <your-wrong-commit-id>` on your local copy you should get an error, if you have updated your local copy correctly.. which involves resetting to the commit-id previous to your commits aand then pulling.

Next time use this command to get the commit id:
git rev-parse origin/translation

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