Re: [translations] updated patch for learning manual translated into german

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> I always check MANUAL.splittexi.log and, despite a successful build, I
> get many warnings (nonstanding links towards snippets and internals):

So do I. I had checked those for learning and they both are "correct"
in that they do indeed point to dead links, stuff that is deliberately
commented out in the english original. Thus I decided not to do
anything about them.

However I wasn't aware that changing stuff in learning could produce
such warnings for other manuals.

> in extending.bigtexi.log:
> Unable to find node 'Eigenschaften von Musikobjekten' in book internals.

This one I don't understand (as to why it occurs)...

> Unable to find node 'Kontexte erstellen' in book notation.
> Unable to find node 'Vordefinierte Typenprädikate' in book notation..
> Unable to find node 'Vordefinierte Typenprädikate' in book notation..
> Unable to find node 'Vordefinierte Typenprädikate' in book notation..
> Unable to find node 'Vordefinierte Typenprädikate' in book notation..

These I have fixed. Will prepare a patch later.

> in learning.bigtexi.log:
> nable to find node 'Updating old input files with convert-ly' in book
> usage. Unable to find node 'Optimierungen mit Scheme' in book extending.

As I wrote above:
They are "correct" in that the corresponding nodes seem to be commented
out in the english original as well.

> in notation.bigtexi.log:
> Unable to find node 'Tonhöhen und Tonartbezeichnung (Vorzeichen)' in
> book learning.
> Unable to find node 'Beispiel aus dem Leben' in book learning.
> Unable to find node 'Stücke durch Bezeichner organisieren' in book
> learning. Unable to find node 'Tonhöhen und Tonartbezeichnung
> (Vorzeichen)' in book learning.
> Unable to find node 'Partituren und Stimmen' in book learning.
> Unable to find node 'Partituren und Stimmen' in book learning.
> Unable to find node 'Stücke durch Bezeichner organisieren' in book
> learning. Unable to find node 'Stücke durch Bezeichner organisieren' in
> book learning. Unable to find node 'Stücke durch Bezeichner organisieren'
> in book learning. Unable to find node 'Optionen auf der Kommandozeile für
> lilypond' in book usage.

I had seen lots of warnings regarding the book snippets and did not
realize, there are othes as well. Since I had and still have no idea
what to do about the warnings regarding book snippets I decided to
ignore them

I seem to be able to get rid of most (all?) those, that don't refer to
book snippets. I'm in the process of doing so.

However there is at least one warning I don't understand in notation.
Both in learning and notation is a node called "Clef" which I
translated into "Notenschlüssel" . To me both seem properly defined.
I don't understand that warning. It might be the same as with the one
warning in extending I did not get rid of.

I'd like help on both of these - probably after I've created a patch
to get rid of all the other warnings.

Finally what am I supposed to do with the warnings regarding
 book snippets ?

> in usage.bigtexi.log:
> Unable to find node 'Tipparbeit durch Variablen und Funktionen ersparen'
> in book learning.

Fixed as well.

[suggestions for an improvement in my workflow snipped]

That is valueable information. Thank you for sharing.

Kind regards,
 Michael Gerdau       email: mgd@xxxxxxx
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