Re: [translations] Further testing w/r replacing texi2html with texi2any

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Le 25/08/2015 23:46, Michael Gerdau a écrit :
Dear translators,

I have played a bit with the patches provided in post #26 of Issue #1000

Unfortunately google code archived this project so I can't add comments
to it anymore. Thus I'm writing on this list hoping to reach people
who know how to proceed.

What I have found is why
make doc
stops when processing lilypond-git/input/regression/midi
The reason is that the GNUmakefile inside of that directory sports a
line saying
TEXI2HTML_FLAGS += --nomenu

--nomenu is not a valid option for texi2any. I'm not familiar enough
with both tools to really know but from the manpage it seems using
--no-headers instead is what need to be done.

 From what I've seen a like reasoning goes for these GNUmakefile

FWIW after I replaced '--nomenu' with '--no-headers' the build of
the documentation failed when building out-www/snippets-big-page.html

The resulting logfile snippets.bigtexi.log is roughly 650k. It has lots
of msgs complaining about unreferenced nodes.

You got further than I did!

The problem comes, IMO, from the 6 first lines of snippets.bigtexi.log that I don't manage to get rid of once I've modified line 77 from

 *normalise_node = sub($)

 *normalise_node = sub

They read:

Useless use of hash element in void context at /home/jcharles/GIT/New-texinfo/Documentation/lilypond-texi2html.init line 1275. Texi2HTML::Config::generate_ly_toc_entries() called too early to check prototype at /home/jcharles/GIT/New-texinfo/Documentation/lilypond-texi2html.init line 1282. Use of uninitialized value $Texi2HTML::Config::SPLIT in string eq at /home/jcharles/GIT/New-texinfo/Documentation/lilypond-texi2html.init line 604. Use of uninitialized value $Texi2HTML::Config::SPLIT in string eq at /home/jcharles/GIT/New-texinfo/Documentation/lilypond-texi2html.init line 604. Use of uninitialized value $Texi2HTML::Config::SPLIT in string eq at /home/jcharles/GIT/New-texinfo/Documentation/lilypond-texi2html.init line 1917. Use of uninitialized value $Texi2HTML::Config::SPLIT in string eq at /home/jcharles/GIT/New-texinfo/Documentation/lilypond-texi2html.init line 1917.

I'm really not able to go further…


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