[translations] More questions from translation newbee

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Dear translators,

meanwhile I have finished translating the whole changes of web/de.

I have prepared 2 patchfiles one of which I had sent to this list
2 days ago.

However I now have collected some questions
1 ) While translating I read in the manual that I should not send patches
 to this list. Does this refer to program patches only or does it include
 patches to the documentation ?
 And if so, where do I send translation patches ?

2) The short guide to lilypond translation that Federico Bruni kindly
 mailed to me includes instructions on building lilypond and the
 documentation. The documentation on the website does suggest to
 create a directory ~/lilypond-git/build and do all compiling in there,
 while the short document suggests doing that directly inside
 ~/lilypond-git. Which one is the outdated information ?

3) While translating I detected minor inconsistencies in the english
 original, namely:
 in Documentation/web/download.texi, line 486 it reads LilyPond will
 be installed under "C:\Program Files" on Windows. Since most current
 Windows Versions are 64bit this probably should read
 "C:\Program Files (x86)".
 Is this list the right place to report such things ?

Kind regards,
 Michael Gerdau       email: mgd@xxxxxxx
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