Re: [translations] Re: How to extract PDF of translated documentation?

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2013/1/14 David Kastrup <dak@xxxxxxx>:
> [...] I can't help the impression that we
> have, for several languages, people who feel responsible for maintaining
> the translations but are unaware that many translations are severely
> outdated and not really all that useful any more for working with the
> current version of LilyPond: partly because they describe things that
> don't even work in the described manner any more, partly because the
> English documentation has seen a lot of improvements making things much
> clearer.

Both reasons are important but we can't ask the translators to
priorize their updates depending on where better improvements have
occurred. Or can we? We in fact do have a priority list. I can reorder
it if needed. The first reason you point is priority zero.

> It would a lamentable state of affairs if we had translations that are
> not maintained because of a lack of translators and manpower.  But this
> and some other mailings on the translator list rather suggest to me that
> we _might_ have manpower and persons feeling responsible, but that the
> information what they could be doing for the project does not even
> arrive at their doorstep.

Your last phrase probably misses a word or two but I think I get it.
Speaking of myself, freezing during 2.16 launch process has cooled my
translations as well, because it lasted too long IMO. Nex time I beg
(yet again) to fork the translation branch at the same time as stable
is forked from master.

> And that would not be lamentable, but stupid.  If we have people
> enlisted and willing to do a job, we should not let their availability
> go to waste.

Very true. In a case (Czech translation by Pavel Fric) he has done an
amount of work which never got published due to a pile of
technicalities and problems such as structure, xrefs, snippet sync
etc. , along with the fact that many changes were occurring at the
same time in originals.

Pavel, please let's try again.

> Are there people willing to do translations, particularly those who
> actually _are_ already subscribed to the translator list, that are
> waiting for instructions or whatever else before they know how to get to
> work on making their language better supported with LilyPond?  If so, we
> need to organize this effort better and more transparently.

I agree.

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain) ,

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