Re: Re: [translations] Re: [Lilypond-auto] Patchy report, work->patch->Francisco Villa->git pull cycle

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here is the overview of my translation projects + some dozens more (I didn't make a post about them, like Kadu, Sigil, (...):

This is probably the reason, I have 1,5 years pause in translating the LilyPond documentation.

Note: The stashed changes -> the only reason for git stash was to continue in git pull and make another patch (I don't know, what unintentonal changes were made, and don't want to use them at all).

Also I make git pull now to be able to make another work->patch->Francisco Villa->git pull cycle.

Greetings, Pavel Fric

Wow, you are contributing for so many projects. I'd suggest to
"release" your translation work, i.e. push it to translation branch,
when it's finished (and ideally proofread, but this is not required
before committing and pushing), because as you have noticed the
translations are released in 2.16 stable series now and so may get a
large audience.

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