[translations] Re: Doorst: Issue 1503 in lilypond: Feature request: simplify jazz chord display

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2011/11/9 Maestraccio BContra <maestraccio@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Hello Francisco, Jan,
> I read the recommended part of
> the lilypond.org/doc/v2.15/Documentation/contributor.pdf , but for me there
> is still a dazzling amout of compiling, making, building and other
> programming stuff involved that I am absolutely completely new at.
> Before, I found myself quite a guy to be able to get lilypond to output a
> beautiful pdf file from my own hand-typed-text music score code, and I never
> expected the translation job to differ much from that. I may have been a
> little ignorant to expect there to be a terminology list that could be
> translated into Dutch; I simply imagined a "term-snippet".

We usually don't translate snippets because they usually don't contain
any text.  Are you proposing to create new documentation content?

> Since I was the one to report the bug, I felt obliged to contribute in any
> way possible (which I thought was the translation part). But as this, from
> reading the documentation, requires the skills, soft- and hardware that I
> don't possess, I feel I have to reluctantly withdraw from this chore.

If you locate in the source code the texinfo files you want to
translate, it is really easy to do. Just translate everything outside
@{} commands. Then send me a copy of these files.  You don't need to
install anything and compiling is not necessary. I said this for
active translators who maintain whole localized versions of the
complete manuals.

> Please do not misunderstand. It is not about unwillingness or lack of time.
> I just don't see myself, a musician/sales manager, programming and compiling
> any source stuff shortly.
> If I am mistaken and there is in fact a "term-snippet" as described (or one
> made available) please let me be the first to know and I will be very happy
> to contribute.

I have not searched the docs but please do it and show me what do you
want to adapt.  Texinfo is a very simple markup language for
documents. I will help you on anything you need.

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
www.paconet.org , www.csmbadajoz.com

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