Re: [translations] Czech characters

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I faced same problem.

In my case, the reason why is that Texinfo does not support Japanese.

Therefore, John solved it by disabling Japanese PDF document.
I do not know how he solved it.
But "ja/[sub_directories]/GNUmakefile"s have a line "NO_PDF_FILES = 1".
(And the _expression_ "enable_ly_identifier_l10n=False" in "python/" looks like having meanings.)

I hope this helps you.
Yoshiki Sawada

2011/1/28 Francisco Vila <>
I am experiencing some troubles from Czech docs.  Anyone knows a
solution for this,

 l.2264: Unicode char @u8:�lo not defined for Texinfo [177]

or can give a clue on how to proceed?

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain) ,

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