[translations] Re: Czech translation of LilyPond documentation

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2011/1/27 Pavel Fric <pavelfric@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi,
> First I intended simply erase all  occurrences of that translated verse, I made it, but then I found, that I've already used @c KEEP LY at the beginning of the line later in the file, also I reverted the deletion (I began again - but this time with inserting of that command and with erasing of original English text - I translated it before and created "pairs of texts")
> If the would be problem just describe what to do to me - I hope that I didn't exaggerate the insertion of @c KEEP LY and made it well.
> The corrected file is attached.

Pavel:  I obtain an error from common-notation.itely related to the
use of \Housle in a snippet, which is not defined, see line 1311.

The problem with KEEP LY is that we should first be sure everything
does work 'as is', then customize some snippets if needed.  My advice
is for you to keep your docs as in sync as possible with the
originals.  Your model for common-notation.itely is an old version of
the German file.

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
www.paconet.org , www.csmbadajoz.com

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