[translations] Documentation/xx.po

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Recently I realized that some parts of the website are generated by some
scripts: for example, translations status pages pick the field
translation from .po files (translated, translators, translation
checkers,...).  Right?

So I started translating Documentation/it.po
Some questions:

1) I guess Documentation/it.po is "synced" with lilypond-doc.pot, so I
can just start translating it without checking anything. Right?

2) Can I translate it step by step instead of all at once? As there are
a lot of strings that refer to manuals, I'd like to translate only the
strings of manual already translated in my language and leave the rest
Well, probably I 'must' do this way...

3) I can see there are a lot of strings wich refer to nodes and
subheadings. Some of them are not up-to-date (some nodes have a
different name now). I wonder if I have to translate them.
The same with variables (for examples: TimeKey has become timeKey
So I wonder how should I work on this file...

I can figure it out myself, as I have no clue about how .po files are
used by scripts.

Thanks for your help,

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