[translations] .po program file and context

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Translating .po program file is quite difficult: strings are concise and
I often don't know which is the context.
My limited knowledge of LilyPond doesn't help.

For example:
identifier names: %s

What's an identifier in LilyPond?
Trying to rephrase it... (shame on me..):

"indentifier refers to: %s"
"identifier gives the name to: %s"

Does it make sense?

There are a lot of strings I can't really understand and this can affect
quality of translation so much.

What do you recommend me to do?
1) translate only what I'm sure about and update remaining strings when
I'll know more about LilyPond?
2) ask here about explanation each time I find.. say, 10 strings I'm not
sure about?


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