Re: [translations] Web-it update patch

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Il giorno lun, 22/11/2010 alle 11.12 +0100, Francisco Vila ha scritto:
> True and not true. 'git log -p' gives a detailed log in patch form,
> but IMO (if an opinion is possible here at all) 'git diff origin'
> shows how your branch differs from origin, which 'git log' doesn't.  I
> could be wrong, but Federico asked about the fact that his branch was
> ahead of origin by two commits.

Oops, my bad.  I guess one of these two commits is the merge commit, the
other one the commit that originated the patch he sent, and the three
last commits given by "git log -p" might not include the former, in case
it displays those from origin/lilypond/translation first, so you were
right to ask diff output.  Federico, could you send both outputs that
Francisco and I requested, please?


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