Re: [translations] Fwd: convert-ly on translations

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Le 23/10/2010 16:48, Francisco Vila disait :

Hereby I forward this from Graham.  Feel free to ask if anyone has problems.

I had to compare the results with 10bd5cc938 from Graham and a further
commit fbc66ca73dac9 . Some manual retouches were needed.

To check all files had the version string I did this naive command
Documentation/es$ for a in `find |grep .itely$` ; do echo $a;  grep
'@c \\version' $a; done

For the actual convert I did
Documentation/es$ for a in `find |grep .itely$` ; do echo $a;
convert-ly -e $a&>>  errors; done

Then checked errors.

I actually ran with the --to=2.13.36 option, in order to get really synchronized with English. So the full command was (in Documentation/fr)

$ for a in `find |grep .itely$` ; do echo $a; convert-ly -e --to=2.13.16 $a&>> errors; done

I'm now going to have a drink before diner.

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