Re: [translations] Problems in webpage, please let's try to solve soon!

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 Am 21.09.10 20:38, schrieb Francisco Vila:
Hello all,

Graham has found some problems in the new webpage that should be
addressed by us.  The page is going online in a few hours; could we
try to fix most of them ASAP?  Thank you!

Initializing settings for web site: [es]
WARNING: Unable to find node 'Using a Virtual Machine to Compile
LilyPond' in book contributor.
Initializing settings for web site: [fr]
WARNING: Unable to find node 'Using a Virtual Machine to Compile
LilyPond' in book contributor.
Initializing settings for web site: [it]
Initializing settings for web site: [nl]
** Unknown command with braces `@contactUsAbout' (in
out-website/others-did.itexi l. 31)
Initializing settings for web site: [de]
WARNING: Unable to find node 'Using a Virtual Machine to Compile
LilyPond' in book contributor.

This seems also strange to me: last time I compiled the website (though on the translation branch) there were no warnings except for Italian. Now Italian is OK, but most other languages have this error with the contributor's guide. How can this be?


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