Re: [translations] Typos in German manual

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 Am 31.07.10 12:26, schrieb Ralf Wildenhues:
Hello German Lilyponders!
Hi Ralf!
here's a patch (against git master) to fix typos in the German manual.
There are a few node renames which I hope are uncontroversial, but if
not, please allow me to redo the patch.
Great patch, thank you for that work. Counting the load of spelling mistakes you fixed you can guess that I don't have a working spell check system at the moment, so any improvements are always welcome. I guess you will commit the patch yourself as I commit only to the translationbranch.
I'm not quite certain whether my changes require updating the "this is
translation of comittish XXX"; I would assume not, though.
No, this should be updated only after having run the script 'check-translation' and having done the according updates to the file to be marked.
Things not fixed in this patch:

- The string "Seitennummerbezeichnung" occurs a few times in
   Documentation/de/notation/fretted-strings.itely; I think it is not
   right, as the node deals with Gitarren Saiten not Seiten.  I'm not
   sure what the right term would be.
Sure it should be Saite. I did some investigating but am not a string instrument expert so I don't know it either. Sometimes the users on could help with terminology.
- Gesangtext vs. Gesangstext, and lots of derived words.  I think the
   former is wrong, but it occurs several times and I'm not sure if maybe
   both forms are valid.
I would also tend to use the latter, so correct if it is easy for you.
Again, I can only recommend 'git show --color-words' for reviewing,
how does this work for files new to git? I just get back an empty prompt.
and I'd be grateful if somebody could test it for me, too, because
I've not yet built LilyPond successfully.
your patch compiles fine, go ahead and apply it.
Cheers, and thanks for maintaining the manual,
I always appreciate help with the German manual since I am the only person doing maintainance and translation. There is a lot to be done and my time is getting only tighter. So I would be very glad if you had some time to spend on the German manual.


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