[translations] Re: small error in Contribution Guide

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Hi Federico, hi dear translators,
Il giorno mer, 10/03/2010 alle 22.48 +0100, Federico Bruni ha scritto: 
> I think I have found a small error in the CG:
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.13/Documentation/contributor/documentation-translation-details#Documentation-translation-details
> cp web/GNUmakefile FOO
> I guess the last command should be:
> cp ../web/GNUmakefile FOO
> (also I wonder why is ..web/GNUmakefile and not a
> generic ../FOO/GNUmakefile)

The needed makefile in FOO/ is identical to the one already present in
web/, and it's "web" just because this is the first Texinfo document
that is translated, for which the makefile is generated by new-lang
target.  We're not sure we always want the same makefiles than in the
English docs, that's why I don't recommend "cp ../web/GNUmakefile FOO".

> How are you? Is your PHD going fine?

I strive to fulfill the requirements of a math PhD in math at the
University of Pisa, which include attending 6 courses of 30 hours in the
following months, and of which the difficulty is added by the
pluridisciplinarity of my interest field (between math, music and
computer science) and joint supervisors in Paris from the IRCAM; in
particular, this implies that for the next four months, my contributions
to LilyPond will be limited to the cases of mentoring very new
translators, and when others have hit their head against the wall for
several weeks on some translation infrastructure bit (which I do in my
PhD, but for math and computer science) without working it out.

In particular, the instructions for merging master and
lilypond/translation Git branches should be in the CG.


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