Re: [translations] LSR updates

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2010/2/5 John Mandereau <john.mandereau@xxxxxxxxx>:

>> but I keep having tons of snippets in the list.
> What does this mean exactly?  Do you mean output of check-translation?
> I'm willing to take the time to understand where the issue comes from in
> the scripts and makefiles and even try to reproduce, but as I translate
> much less than you (recently I only translated two chapters of the
> website in December), it's better to report problems a bit more
> explicitly.

My fault, sorry.  Low-quality message due to quick typing.

Yes, I meant that my updated texidoc strings and committishes in
es/texidocs still gives snippets in Documetation/snippets listed in
the output of check-translation.  My guess is: I have to wait until to
the next official sync with LSR for they to dissapear.

It's sad that after several years translating I still do not
understand the LSR mechanism well, but just when I started to manage
this, snippets moved to another directory and I feel like starting
again because trivial changes do appear once and again as being
pendant of sync.

Snippets are different from plain docs in that I can mark, say, a
notation/ file as up to date, and that makes it to go off the
make-check-translation output. OTOH, texidoc strings, despite of
having been updated on $LANG/texidoc/, and having been processed by
makelsr, they insist on being shown in said output.

Maybe it worths mentioning that the changes pendant to be done include
the committish I have just entered on my files, which is nonsense.

>> Also, I can not find the relevant section in the CG. There are
>> sections on "lsr" and "doc work -- translations" but I am afraid a
>> "lsr translation" section is not there, I think.
> When this issue has been sorted out, would you like to add in
> "Documentation translation details" some relevant text and links from
> and to the generic section about LSR?

Yes, I volunteer for this but please review it afterwards for
potential absurdities.

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain) ,

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