Re: [translations] LSR updates

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Le vendredi 05 février 2010 à 19:01 +0100, Francisco Vila a écrit : 
> Snippets are different from plain docs in that I can mark, say, a
> notation/ file as up to date, and that makes it to go off the
> make-check-translation output. OTOH, texidoc strings, despite of
> having been updated on $LANG/texidoc/, and having been processed by
> makelsr, they insist on being shown in said output.

Oh, sorry for this consequence of the poor design of check-translation.
You can only sort out this in a tortuous way, in order to avoid a kind
of vicious circle:
1) update the texidocs
2) run makelsr (with or without snippets from, it
doesn't matter)
3) commit all changes in Documentation/snippets/
4) put the committish of this new commit into files
Documentation/LANG/texidocs/*.texidoc you updated
5) commit Documentation/LANG/texidocs/*.texidoc

If this works, then could you add these tips after the instructions
about editing committishes in translations? 

> Maybe it worths mentioning that the changes pendant to be done include
> the committish I have just entered on my files, which is nonsense.

Indeed, it's freaking hard to guess the committish of changes that
should include their own committish, even at some well defined places in
source files (this is practically an unsolvable equation from a
practical computer programming point of view and an open problem from
the mathematical point of view), thus the tortuous way proposed above.

> Yes, I volunteer for this but please review it afterwards for
> potential absurdities.



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