Re: [translations] Status pages and table tags

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Le lundi 04 janvier 2010 à 15:05 +0100, Francisco Vila a écrit : 
> Hello again. I've been looking at the code of our translation status
> pages in all languages and they miss some random opening and closing
> <table> tags, do you have the same?

Yes, this bug is caused by the definition of Top node inside a macro.

I know these translation status pages are not very pretty, and the
script that generates them should actually generates Texinfo and use my
future Texinfo parser, so fixing all issues related to this page will
probably wait for a few weeks, sorry; now for the good news, I'll have a
14-hours train trip tomorrow, and I'll spend much of this time on my
Texinfo parser project.

In the meantime, does anybody have any objection if I remove any HTML
link to this page, so we can focus on remaining internationalization
issues with the new website (e.g. annotated images, text in LilyPond
examples...), and forget about translations status until my Texinfo
parser is done?


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