Re: [translations] Questions about ongoing changes

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On 2009.11.10., at 19:43, John Mandereau wrote:
> Yes, and the text in @lilyTitlePage macro should be translated too, but
> with keeping the text in English, as done in {fr,es,de}/*.tely. (Yes,
> these files mostly use the former file organization of English docs.)

Sorry, but I don't really understand this. "The text should be translated, but with keeping the text in English"? Since no translations contain this yet, inspecting them could not give me any clue either. My question more precisely: e.g. there's the line

@lilyTitlePage{Learning Manual}

in learning.tely. Should I translate the "Learning Manual" in this line in the Hungarian version?

> When Graham or I will announce it; if it's mentioned on another list
> first (namely -devel or -user), I'll forward it to this list.  I'm sorry
> not to have a more precise answer, but I don't know if the website will
> translatable before or after switching to Waf build system and other
> technical work.

OK, no problem. But note that there are FIXME: missing text messages in even the new Tutorial in the Learning.

> PS: don't forget the announcement in hungary, which last 2.13 release
> missed.

I didn't forget it, but we wait until the Hungarian tutorial will have been restructured to reflect the English version so that there be no duplicate chapters between Tutorial and Common notation.


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