Re: [translations] Questions about ongoing changes

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Le mardi 10 novembre 2009 à 10:44 +0100, Harmath Dénes a écrit : 
> Now that there are deep changes in the documentation, I got the  
> following questions:
> - Is the argument of the @lilyTitlePage command to be translated?

Yes, and the text in @lilyTitlePage macro should be translated too, but
with keeping the text in English, as done in {fr,es,de}/*.tely. (Yes,
these files mostly use the former file organization of English docs.)

> - When will be the new website's text stabilized so that it is  
> reasonable to start translating it?

When Graham or I will announce it; if it's mentioned on another list
first (namely -devel or -user), I'll forward it to this list.  I'm sorry
not to have a more precise answer, but I don't know if the website will
translatable before or after switching to Waf build system and other
technical work.


PS: don't forget the announcement in hungary, which last 2.13 release

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