Re: [translations] make check availability

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Le mardi 11 août 2009 à 13:45 +0200, Till Paala a écrit :
> I tried it last night and got a long nice list (well, long and much
> work :-). For some reason the moving around of some files was not
> discovered (like literature.itely or notation-appendices.itely) but
> they are easily spotted.

They will be handled by check-translation when you move the files in
translations too.  BTW it would be very nice if people that move files
move them in all languages as far as possible, at least to make them
realize the impact it has on translations.  There is no way doing this
can be mandatory, but this is globally more productive and raises your

> Some sections were moved and I didn't find yet where they went (so far
> I discovered sections Updating files with convert-ly and Problems with
> convert-ly which were moved from AU to somewhere?)
> I have them saved in another file, so let's see if I discover their
> new home -- a grep in the english docs might help I guess.

Yes.  When you move sections, please do in all languages; it will be
more efficient at the scale of all translators and contributors.  If you
don't have much time, it's even preferable to not move all sections but
to do the same thing for all languages.

> How is the update of texidoc texts now organized, do I have to run
> makelsr?

Yes, at top of the source tree, and without any argument.

> I thought also of unsubscribing to -devel, there is so much traffic
> and I just have to use the delete buttom all the time.

Yeah, traffic becomes too high to require translators to read it.

>  I guess I can also benefit from the messages for Francisco.

It should suffice to read email subjects on translations list, I won't
send personal messages for this.  Alternatively, you can check updates
to Documentation/contributor/doc-translation-list.itexi, I think I
should create a "Purgatory" priority level for English files being
overhauled :-)


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