[translations] make check availability

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Hello. I am not translating anything since a while ago, being the reasons

 - deep transformations and directory reorganization of the docs,
including new node naming system
 - check scripts said broken or unstable.  This in turn makes previous
point worse.
 - John is overwhelmed by huge amounts of pendant tasks, all of them
very urgent, really.  This makes previous points even worse.
 - I am on vacation and family has the priority
 - a day not reading the lists leads to a pair of days reading the
lists (too much for me)
 - sometimes I contribute to the new website as well
 - I have to complete a book for my PhD preliminary courses before October
 - preparing a trip to Paris, a week long, starting five days from now
 - my laptop is dead

among others.

I've been tempted to sign off completely and reopen the season on
January 2010. In the meantime, if I continue online, I have to learn
to delete every remotely irrelevant message.

My question/rogue is, when reliable check scripts are available again
and the English docs are reasonably stable, could somebody write me a
personal message? Thanks.

See you
Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)

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