[translations] Re: the "r" in "git pull -r"

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Le lundi 10 août 2009 à 00:56 -0700, Graham Percival a écrit :
> After spending a while reading and re-reading your addition to the
> CG git stuff, it sounds like this only applies to translated docs
> -- i.e. as long as I don't mess with anything in de/ es/ fr/ etc/,
> it's safe to "git pull -r".

This is even broader: as long as you don't touch committishes in files
in de/ es/ fr/ etc., it's safe to "git pull -r".  This distinction is
important, because doc contributors and developers are supposed to edit
docs in all languages in some cases, but after thinking again about it,
I needn't ask people other than translators and me to mess up with

> Is that correct?  If so, I'll amend the warning to begin
> "translators: if you have changed committishes..."

You may amend this paragraph anyway.


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