Re: [tablatures] harmonics in tablature

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Patrick Schmidt schrieb:

I don't have a hint, but generally, it would be a useful enhancement to have a better input
possibility for harmonics. I'd propose two functions, say

\harmonic-by-ratio <ratio> <note>
\harmonic-by-fret <fret> <note>

so, for example, you can code

\harmonic-by ratio 1/3 e,,4 and get the second harmonic (h,4) on the seventh fret: <7>,
\harmonic-by ratio 2/3 e,,4 would yield to the same harmonic note played on the 21th fret.

The same result would be available by saying
\harmonic-by fret 7 e,,4 or \harmonic-by-fret 21 e,,4

Harmonics over the fifth partial tone cannot be coded directly in lilypond, because
fret numbers like 2.6 or 2.1 are not supported yet.
I am not sure whether I can implement this, but I would give it a try.

What do you think?
Sounds great!
If I can help in any way just tell me!


* you mean the 19th fret
Yes, of course (I should always have a guitar next to my computer ... ;-)

1st harmonic: fret 12
2nd harmonic: fret 7/19
3rd harmonic: fret 5/24
4th harmonic: fret 4/9/16
For completeness' sake, you can add 28 here
5th harmonic: fret 3⅓/... (the others are very hard if not impossible to play)
On a guitar, yes, but on an electric bass guitar, there are even more.

But in general, it would be best to let lilypond do the math - I'll dig out my formulas and
my math skills and see how it works.


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