Re: [tablatures] Re: ukulele fretboards

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On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 08:24:45AM -0700, Carl Sorensen wrote:
>We also need a blurb to go in the documentation somewhere (probably in
>the fret diagrams section) that mentions the presence of

Okay, as a starting point, I've added some proposed documentation
changes for sections 2.4.1 and B.3 to

I also realized I had only defined chords for 12 keys, not 17 (ais but
not bes, etc), so I've fixed that now on the version in LSR.

While I'm at it, the file is not
mentioned very clearly in the documentation. Is there a reason these
haven't been added to, or at least
mentioned in B.3?

>> As I mentioned before, would it also be possible to get the set of
>> standard ukulele tunings added?  Again, these are:
>>   ukulele-tuning            g'c'e'a'
>>   ukulele-d-tuning          a'd'f#'b'
>>   ukulele-tenor-tuning      gc'e'a'
>>   ukulele-baritone-tuning   dgbe'
>Please convert these to the proper scheme commands, and I'll add them
>to output-lib.  As a temporary workaround, you could add them at the
>top of predefined-ukulele-fretboards.

Right, I did add that ukulele-tuning to predefined-ukulele-fretboards.
I had avoided the others just because I thought I might make a mistake
and wasn't sure how to easily proofread these.  Here you go, but
someone ought to double check these numbers (for example, I think one
number was wrong in the last version I sent to this list):

  ; soprano ukulele standard tuning, a' e' c' g'
  (define-public ukulele-tuning '(9 4 0 7))
  ; soprano ukulele d tuning, b' fis' d' a'
  (define-public ukulele-d-tuning '(11 6 2 9))
  ; tenor ukulele tuning, g c' e' a'
  (define-public ukulele-tenor-tuning '(-5 0 4 9))
  ; baritone ukulele tuning, d g b e'
  (define-public ukulele-baritone-tuning '(-10 -5 -1 4))

Let me know if there's anything else I should do before these will be
ready to be committed.


mvcorks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |
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