[frogs] Patch for Issue 897 - Key signature should be inherited by all Voices (no matter their accidental style)

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The issue: http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=897&q=label%3Afrog&colspec=ID%20Type%20Status%20Priority%20Stars%20Owner%20Summary

This was a fun one. I spent hours looking through the source learning how scm input works, then moved one line of code and it seems to work :)
I've just moved the accidental_engraver down to the Voice context - best of all, someone had already left a comment in engraver_init.ly suggesting various engravers be moved, so I can't claim much of the credit (I've left the others where they were for now, but based on this I guess it could be worth considering).

If someone could verify that this does indeed fix the issue and not create anything new and horrible, that'd be great. There's ly code to reproduce the issue at the link above.


Attachment: 0001-Moved-accidental_engraver-to-Voice-context.patch
Description: Binary data

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