Re: [frogs] New tadpole

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On 11/13/10 2:43 PM, "Owen Tuz" <owentuz@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> ....probably more like frogspawn, to be honest.
> My name's Owen, I'm a final year music student in the UK. I've been learning
> C++ for a while with the hope of helping develop open source tools such as
> Lilypond for composers, but before that all my actual programming experience
> has been with web applications (and even that makes it sound more grand that
> it is). 
> I have the latest source compiled from GIT and running under Arch, and I'm
> probably going to spend a little more time getting to know my way around
> before I submit any actual code, but I thought I should introduce myself. Very
> little coding experience probably doesn't sound like a great prospect, but if
> there's any way I can make myself useful please just let me know :)

Welcome to the pond, Owen!

Most of the people who start working on LilyPond start in scheme, rather
than in C++.  But we're happy to have you start with C++ if that's what
you're more comfortable with.

I'd suggest that the easiest way to get your feet wet in LilyPond is to
search for issues with a Frog label:


There are lots of those.  If one of them is interesting to you, then go for
it.  We're happy to provide any help we can.



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