Re: [frogs] [PATCH:] Harmonics and ties in tablature

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Neil Puttock schrieb:
On 13 June 2010 09:34, Marc Hohl <marc@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

The patch isn't 100% correct yet. If you compile the new regression file,
fret number disappears in the second line. In larger documents, the number
seems to (dis)appear at random - I don't know why this happens.

The TabNoteHead and HarmonicParenthesesItem have the same default
'layer, which leads to the hamonic brackets sometimes being applied
after the note head.

I see, but within the parenthesize-tab-note-head routine,
the stencil is completely rebuilt from scratch and replaces the
standard tab note head, or am I missing something?
PS: for personal clarification: Since I am not a native speaker, I am not
when I should use "parentheses" or "brackets". These () are parentheses,
and these <> are angled parentheses, isn't it?

I'd call <> angle brackets (or "less than" & "greater than").
Ok, thanks!


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