Re: [frogs] ready to (re)start

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wait a moment... you shouldn't need any of that DYLD stuff.  Do you
have pngtopnm installed?  I mean, if you do "pngtopnm" on the
command-line, does anything come up?

I'm getting a feeling that this was only needed if you used pngtopnm
that was installed in the lilypond binary, or something weird like

I think the program is part of netpbm, so if you don't have it,
  port install netpbm
might fix it.
(and yes, the "configure script doesn't detect all doc-building
requirements" bug is already in the tracker, and has been known for
literally years)

Granted, I might be way off about this, but I thought I should warn
you as soon as I started to doubt myself.

- Graham

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