Re: [frogs] Re: Numeric note heads for singers

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>----Original Message----
>From: c_sorensen@xxxxxxx
>Date: 04/01/2010 23:22 
>To: "pounderd@xxxxxxxxxxx"<pounderd@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Lilypond Frogs 
>Subj: [frogs] Re: Numeric note heads for singers
>I'd love to have you jump in on this.
>I think you need to look at the code that produces all of the special 
>heads in scm/output-lib.scm.
>Standard easy note heads are created by note-head::brew-ez-stencil.
>You could write a note-head::brew-shape-note-ez-stencil to do the 
honors, or
>alternatively, you could just use standard ez note heads with a 
>indicating the scale degree instead of with a letter.  If you look
>brew-ez-stencil, you'll see that letter is a markup of the pitch-
string.  If
>shapeNotes is active, then you'd do the same markup with the scale 
>So you just need to figure out how to get the scale degree.
>The current code for getting the scale degree is found in
>ly/, lines 98-114.
>Have a look at these areas, and let me know if I can answer more 
UNIX-mode on:

After unsuccessfully trying to find a way to access the tonic 
information from the stencil callback, I've finally realised that the 
contexts don't exist when the stencils are called. It therefore seems 
that I'm going to need to modify the engraver to set the scale-degree 
as an internal grob property.

To do this I'm going to have to set-up a dual boot, re-read all the 
git stuff and practice building and testing, so please shriek if I'm 
going down the wrong route :)

- David.

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