Re: [frogs] Help with the Guile debugger

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Hi Ian

Many thanks for this!  It looks good,  but I've not been able to
try it out in detail as the patch didn't apply:

fatal: git-apply: bad git-diff - expected dev/null on line 260

and it was too tricky to extricate all the instructions from the
patch itself.

There were also a few lines with trailing white space.

I did notice the following:

Patch line 95: should be ddd

but otherwise the gdb instructions look fine.

Could you try to make a patch again, please, or alternatively
send me the complete .itexi file?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Ian Hulin" <ian@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Trevor Daniels" <t.daniels@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: <frogs@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 9:38 AM
Subject: Re: [frogs] Help with the Guile debugger

Hi Trevor,
Firstly a Happy New Year/ Glückliches NeuJahr/ Bonne Nouvelle Année/ een
vrolijke nieuwe jaar/ un feliz año nuevo

to all on the Frogs List.

Attached is a patch with some changes to the guile debugger code and the
documentation (CG Chapter 8).

Please test-drive and review.



On 28/12/09 12:53, Trevor Daniels wrote:
Hi Ian

Thanks for this - I'll give your suggestions a spin later today. And
thanks for  confirming the problem is a general one, not down to
my incompetence.

Carl's already copied your note to -bug, so presumably Valentin
will pick it up and add it to the tracker.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Ian Hulin" <ian@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Trevor Daniels" <t.daniels@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: <frogs@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, December 27, 2009 5:09 PM
Subject: Re: [frogs] Help with the Guile debugger

Hi Trevor,

On 18/12/09 00:35, Trevor Daniels wrote:
I've got to the stage in writing code where I need
to use the Guile debugger, but I find the instructions
in the CG:

don't work for me.  Here's what happens.

Compiling a ly program with debugging info is fine,
and after I've added \include ""
to my test program it drops into the guile prompt
as it should.  So far so good.  But when I enter
the (break! ...) command the response is:

GNU LilyPond 2.13.10
Processing `'
Parsing...guile> (break! tab-duration-formatter)
ERROR: Unbound variable: break!
ABORT: (unbound-variable)

But if I enter the commands contained in manually at the guile prompt
everything works as it should and I can set

I guess I'm doing something silly or missing
something obvious, but I can't see it.  Can anyone

TIA, Trevor

1) Can reproduce your findings
2) I'm investigating
3) I'm looking at a 0.2 of this using a module in scm

This would mean you could do
<In file>
lily code
\include ""

<In file your-scheme.scm>
#(set-break! your-procedure)
#(set-trace-subtree! your-procedure
scheme code

Then you'd do

$ lilypond
guile> (quit)
This is the Guile debugger -- for help, type `help'.
There are nn frames on the stack.

Frame nn at
        [your-procedure args]

Please could you log a tracker (or ask Valentin to do it) so we can log
that I'm working on this?


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