Re: [frogs] Corrected patch for Issue #830

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Neil Puttock schrieb:
2009/12/20 Marc Hohl <marc@xxxxxxxxxx>:

The error is gone; patch attached.

Nope, still there.
Stupid me - I forgot to git add the changed files before
git  commit --amend, so the corrections worked fine, but only locally.
Here it is again.

You can't change the names given in the macros
fet_begingroup/fet_endgroup, since they are part of the glyph-names;
for example, you've changed "timesig" to "timesignatures", which means
the glyph lookup for 2/2 and 4/4 breaks (it's looking for
"timesig.C22"/"timesig.C44").  The same problem occurs with pedals.


Attachment: Issue-830-renaming-mf-files.patch.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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