Re: [frogs] Enhancement request: Define output-suffix as a configurable context property.

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On Fri, 2009-09-18 at 18:06 -0600, Carl Sorensen wrote:
> It would be convenient if the output-prefix could be defined in the /score
> or /layout block that causes the creation of a Score context.  I think
> that's why Ian was wanting to make it a context property of Score.  But I
> suspect (although I can't prove) that the file handler exists *outside of*,
> not inside of, the Score context.  Hence, we don't want to make it a context
> property of Score, because we could change the property inside of the Score,
> and the file handler wouldn't know about it.

An important reason (the main reason?) we can't (or shouldn't?) define
the file name in the score context is that there are often several
scores in a file.



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