Re: [frogs] PATCH for getting output-suffix to work (Trackers 714 and 404)

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On 14/08/2009 14:16, Valentin Villenave wrote:
2009/8/12 Ian Hulin<ian@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
There's a restriction with the gs back-end. Marek asked abourt this and
Han-Wen confirmed that's why we're restricted to ujsing the ASCII set for
filenames.  So we'll have to stick to work-rounds like "Floete" and
"Hoerner" in the suffix names.
Could this be related to ?
Yes it is very much related, but the investigationj I've done shows that the restriction applies only to 8-bit Unicode characters, Western European accented characters (all vowels with acute, grave, diaeresis/Umlaut, tilde, circumflex, æ, ø, ß, þ, ð, ñ, ç plus their uppercase versions will work. Anything with a Unicode value greater than x0FF will cause gs to barf.

So a Czech chacha (čača) in the filename will definitely kill the gs back-end stone dead.



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