Re: [frogs] PATCH for getting output-suffix to work (Trackers 714 and 404)

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Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
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Am Donnerstag, 6. August 2009 18:20:26 schrieb Ian Hulin:
 Here's the first stage of work on these trackers,  I've taken the work
Marek Klein did and polished it a little bit. 
Great to see that this is not forgotten (like so many other not yet finished 
patches)! Some comments below...

+    (if (string? output-suffix)
+       (set! result (format "~a-~a" base (string-regexp-substitute
+                                        "[^a-zA-Z0-9-]" "_" output-suffix))))
This rules out any accented or other foreigh letters! E.g. all chinese suffixes 
will simply turn into ______. Also, German instrument names like "Fl�te" or 
"H�rner" would become "Fl_te" and "H_rner" in the suffix.

I supose it would be better to use 
as the regexp to allow all alpha-numeric letters.

Reinhold -
There's a restriction with the gs back-end. Marek asked abourt this and Han-Wen confirmed that's why we're restricted to ujsing the ASCII set for filenames.  So we'll have to stick to work-rounds like "Floete" and "Hoerner" in the suffix names.

 (define-public (version-not-seen-message input-file-name)
-   "~a:0: ~a: ~a"
+   "~a:0: ~a ~a"
-    (_ "warning: ")
+    (_ "warning:")
Nice catch, but has nothing to do with output-suffix, so it should go into its 
own patch.

Sorted in my git repo.


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