Re: [frogs] PATCH for getting output-suffix to work (Trackers 714 and 404)

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Hi Carl,
I've done a bit of poking around with the regexp and it appears that any unicode alphabetic satisfies either the
[:alnum:] or [a-zAz0-9] patterns. In either case it lets through letters with unicode > 0FF which is what upsets my version of ghostscript. Patrick has reported that gs 8.70 is happy with these characters. I've got 8.64 as my default gs supplied by Ubuntu, and 8.65 files supplied in the lilypond directories.

The string-regexp-substitute does get rid of things like space and ©, ®, but µ is valid. It doesn't accept the  Perl-type patterns like \w or \W, and "-" doesn't need to be escaped (in fact it complains if you do try it.
Anyhow Reinhold, you can use your "Flöte" suffixes and the Scandinavians can use things like "Fløjt".

The patch I've got here is what I developed from the released lily-library.scm. I trashed and regenerated my git
repository, and have done a git pull -r, so anything you see outside of the block where I've added the new
get-outfile-name function and the end of print-book-with has been added by git. I've even double-checked and
eliminated the white-space differences.



This patch can't be applied because it has lots of changes that are outside
of your scope.
It appears that you made your changes on an old version of master, then
created your patch against the current version.
Can you do the following:
If are working on the branch master in your local repository, do
git pull -r
This will update master, but still keep all of your local changes
separate and in the most recent commit.
Then make a new copy of the patch.
Also, please give one more try on the regexp.. The hyphen in your [ ]
_expression_ should have a \ before it so it will stand for a hyphen, instead
of a range marker.
I'd recommend that you use [^\w\-] as I think it's the simplest
non-alphanumeric and non-hyphen regex.

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