[frogs] Re: LSR snippets for contributors and Frogs

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2009/7/24 Graham Percival <graham@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Really?  "Advanced scheme" comes to _my_ mind first -- 3 or 4
> years ago, when I made the very first list of categories (in the
> pre-tag days).  Now, I'm not certain if that tag still exists, but
> whatever tag corresponds to NR 6 should be used for these scheme
> things.

No. The tag is named "Scheme language", and is meant -- as is NR 6 --
to demonstrates how the Scheme interface to Lily works, not to
demonstrate how to get intimate with the way Lily processes grobs etc.
More precisely, NR6 is about Scheme stuff that can help you engraving
your scores. You certainly won't find stuff like Mark's snippet
anywhere in NR6 (nor anywhere else, as Mark pointed out).

Besides, we have the ability (as I've done) to tag the snippet with
*both* Sheme_language and devel. Isn't life nice? :-)

> This is a crappy idea.

Thanks for allowing me to paste the reply I had prepared in advance :)

Graham, I'd like to friendly invite you to go through your mailbox
archive and search for what you answered me when, on April 17, 2007, I
suggested that we should have tagging ability in the LSR. "This is a
crappy idea". Yet, a few weeks later we did have tags and today we use
them on a daily basis.

On August 15, 2008, I told you: "we should think about making a second
Manual, for advanced users and developers (which might allow us to
make the actual User Manual lighter, by the way). It would be a
companion for the internal Reference, helping people to browse source
files and to understand how things work, etc." What did you have to
say? "This is a crappy idea".
Yet, several months later, hey, guess what? It was *you* who initiated
the CG, which was roughly what I had in mind.

And I won't even mention how pissed you were on March 10, 2008, when I
launched the first beta LilyReport...

So, Graham, please let me, once again, wholeheartedly thank you for
enlightening my path to Wisdom and Relevance :-)



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