Re: [frogs] LSR snippets for contributors and Frogs

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Werner LEMBERG wrote:
> > [...] so just to make sure, you can confirm that what you get
> > differs from the output here?
> > 
> >
> Yes.  What I get contains much more empty lines.


I think I figured it out. I tweaked a bunch of newlines with
(format #f "~&"). This was very confusing if you can imagine.
Anyway, it's a tiny bit different from my original conception,
but I think it's better anyway. If you don't mind, please
compare your output with the example output I included at the
top of the attached file.

Hopefully it should look exactly the same.

- Mark

%%%% -- Displaying grob ancestry.

\version "2.13.2"

example console output:
Preprocessing graphical objects...


X/Y: NoteColumn
     X: PaperColumn
        X/Y: System
     Y: VerticalAxisGroup
        X: NonMusicalPaperColumn
           X/Y: System
        Y: VerticalAlignment
           X: NonMusicalPaperColumn
              X/Y: System
           Y: System


X: PaperColumn
   X/Y: System
Y: Stem
   X/Y: NoteColumn
        X: PaperColumn
           X/Y: System
        Y: VerticalAxisGroup
           X: NonMusicalPaperColumn
              X/Y: System
           Y: VerticalAlignment
              X: NonMusicalPaperColumn
                 X/Y: System
              Y: System


X: AccidentalPlacement
   X: PaperColumn
      X/Y: System
   Y: VerticalAxisGroup
      X: NonMusicalPaperColumn
         X/Y: System
      Y: VerticalAlignment
         X: NonMusicalPaperColumn
            X/Y: System
         Y: System
Y: NoteHead
   X/Y: NoteColumn
        X: PaperColumn
           X/Y: System
        Y: VerticalAxisGroup
           X: NonMusicalPaperColumn
              X/Y: System
           Y: VerticalAlignment
              X: NonMusicalPaperColumn
                 X/Y: System
              Y: System

Solving 1 page-breaking chunks...[1: 1 pages]

#(define (grob-name grob)
  (if (ly:grob? grob)
      (assoc-ref (ly:grob-property grob 'meta) 'name)

#(define (get-ancestry grob)
    (if (not (null? (ly:grob-parent grob X)))
        (list (grob-name grob)
              (get-ancestry (ly:grob-parent grob X))
              (get-ancestry (ly:grob-parent grob Y)))
        (grob-name grob)))

#(define (format-ancestry lst padding)
    (symbol->string (car lst))
    (let ((X-ancestry
            (if (list? (cadr lst))
                (format-ancestry (cadr lst) (+ padding 3))
                (symbol->string (cadr lst))))
            (if (list? (caddr lst))
                (format-ancestry (caddr lst) (+ padding 3))
                (symbol->string (caddr lst)))))
       (if (equal? X-ancestry Y-ancestry)
             (format #f "~&")
             (make-string padding #\space)
             "X/Y: "
             (if (list? (cadr lst))
                 (format-ancestry (cadr lst) (+ padding 5))
                 (symbol->string (cadr lst))))
             (format #f "~&")
             (make-string padding #\space)
             "X: " X-ancestry
             (make-string padding #\space)
             "Y: " Y-ancestry
             (format #f "~&"))))
    (format #f "~&")))

#(define (display-ancestry grob)
      (format #f "~2&\n")
      (make-string 36 #\-)
      (format-ancestry (get-ancestry grob) 0)
      (format #f "~2&"))))

\relative {
  \once \override NoteHead #'before-line-breaking = #display-ancestry
  \once \override Accidental #'before-line-breaking = #display-ancestry
  \once \override Arpeggio #'before-line-breaking = #display-ancestry
  <f as c>\arpeggio

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