Re: [frogs] Suggestions to Contributers guide

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On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 04:03:09PM +0100, Hajo Dezelski wrote:
>    as already mentioned, if I would have known this docu before, it would
>    have saved me a lot of time.

This docu wasn't written before.  Sorry; I wanted to have it ready
before the Frogs started, but I dropped the ball.  :(
I wrote most of it during my 14-hour flight from Vancouver to Hong
Kong on Jan 6.

>    1. git
>    For someone who doesnt live in the world of source code working with
>    command-line based programs is not easy. But please if you want that
>    beginners succeed, please give a workable command with all necessary
>    parameters like you find it in the man pages.

That is the intention.  I want to have everything ready so that
beginners can simply copy&paste the required lines.  However, I
know less about git than any other main developer, and nobody has
proofread the CG yet.

I will hopefully have time to complain about this on -devel

>    The documentation of git is sometimes strange.

The documentation of git is a total nightmare.  I cannot believe
that they wrote their docs so badly.  :(

>    2. The first results of the frogs like code normalisation (positioning
>    of doc-strings), Definitions of Variables, etc. should find entrance in
>    the guide.

Yes, definitely -- I intend to prompt Carl to add this material,
bt he of course has many other tasks.

>    That are all minor points. What I wanted to say: Keep the Contributers
>    Guide up to the state of art. He is worth it, esspecially if you plan

I definitely agree.  I'll make sure that this gets organized on
the weekend -- I will either finish everything I can do (and then
yell, scream, and cry  at other developers to force them to
proofread it), or offload the task to somebody (probably

It should be presentable by the end of next weekend (Jan 25 or
so).  I know it should have been ready earlier, but this just did
not happen.  Sorry again!

- Graham


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