Re: [sponsorship] Fwd: [FSF] Time for nonprofits to leave proprietary fundraising software systems behind

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When flossal is registered, we need to invite collaboration from all these international groups, fsfe, mozilla, debian, creative commons, wikipedia etc.
we should send out letters to all of them inviting collaboration.

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 4:22 PM, Baki Goxhaj <banago@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I will not be able to code the plugin myself, I'm not a very advanced programmer.

Well, we can find some more programmers.. We can copy and past from other plugins.

Other news - a friend of mine has had this guys as a mentor for his master theses and he told me he could convince him to come talk in our conference.

great news.
On 16 April 2010 09:29, Dashamir Hoxha <dashohoxha@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'm sorry for reading this thread so late.

CiviCRM seems quite interesting.
I have created a project on
named, with intention
to install there SugarCRM. However I think
that it will be better to try CiviCRM first
and SugarCRM later.

I will start thinking about it next week.
Meanwhile you can try the version that Mike
has installed on xhema.


James Michael DuPont
Founding Board Member
Free/Libre Open Source Software Kosova

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