[sponsorship] Re: [FOSS-AL] focus on prishtina

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Lets move freesb10 from the 11-14th of august in vlore,
that would fit my schedule better.


On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 11:08 AM, jamesmikedupont@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<jamesmikedupont@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I am also thinking that if we have to count more on locals, then we
> should put the start of it inside the summer vacation, n vlora at the
> end of the vacation, so end of august, that way we would have more
> people.
> On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 10:56 AM, jamesmikedupont@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> <jamesmikedupont@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> what is the status of the flossal ngo?
>> what about a poster, we need a poster design.
>> who has reviewed the papers? we need a list of speakers.
>> I have produced many possible keynote speakers, is anyone interested in them?
>> we have no sponsors until yet, so we are going to plan on having no
>> travel budget, that means we need to contact the possible speakers and
>> tell them that we are still working on funding and how likely they
>> will come. we need to get exact costs from each speaker.
>> next we need to look into hotel costs, we can also do the camping thing.
>> if we have little funding we can just camp and everyone brings thier own food.
>> everyone pays thier own transportation. we would need at least good
>> showers, toilettes and such.
>> the problem is when you setup a  camp, you cannot  move it easily. We
>> also need backup plans for rain or storm.
>> what about also focusing on tirana for albania and doing a camp there?
>> or vlora, i am sure it would be nicer to camp.
>> lets get a discussion going !
>> mike
>> On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 10:47 AM, Baki Goxhaj <banago@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> It sounds like a good option. I don't have much to say right now, but
>>> barcamping seems a great idea to me. I hope we can have a discussion about
>>> this to get this to the next level.
>>> Kindly,
>>> Baki Goxhaj
>>> www.wplancer.com | www.banago.info | www.lintuts.com
>>> On 12 June 2010 22:26, jamesmikedupont@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> <jamesmikedupont@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> After some discussion with the flossk team, I would like to make a
>>>> change in plan for freesb2010.
>>>> I suggested before that we extend the events to tirana and shkoder so
>>>> that we can have presentations there as well.
>>>> This is a good idea, because it takes the focus away from one place,
>>>> and we bring the events to more people in more places.
>>>> We had plans of going to prizren and gjakova as well, so I would like
>>>> to suggest the following addition to our plans.
>>>>  I am going to suggest that we extend the freesb all the up to the
>>>> beginning of sfk09. We would move all the events in kosovo to the
>>>> 20-24 of Sept in Prishtina.
>>>> We would find sponsors to bring buses of people from vlore, tirana and
>>>> shkoder to Prishtina. and we would setup a large military type refugee
>>>> camp for tenting. Basically we would have for our local guests tents
>>>> for them to stay in. that way we can save on hotel costs.
>>>> The freesb events should be in a barcamp type style, that way we can
>>>> avoid having the fixing of speakers.
>>>> We will contact the different unis in prishtina for hosting events. We
>>>> can also have a big hack tent where we can hold the event as well.
>>>> In case of major rain, we should have backup plans for each day.  The
>>>> outdoor tents will need power and wifi coverage. it could be alot of
>>>> fun!
>>>> The talks in prizren and gjakova and other places are still open for
>>>> discussion. I think a one day trip there on sunday the 19th is also
>>>> possible, we will see.
>>>> We will still aim for a small mini conference in vlore, tirana and
>>>> shkoder, but because we have no sponors, and very small teams, we
>>>> cannot hope to bring many international speakers there. We hope to be
>>>> able to find more people who will stay an extra day in prishtina to do
>>>> workshops.
>>>> The good thing about this is that freesb is an event that we can
>>>> change as needed, we can be flexible and we dont have a big steering
>>>> committe to worry about. I hope that we can also have fundraising
>>>> sales there for flossk and flossal, so that we can raise money by
>>>> selling teeshirts and have commercial sponsors and food sales. that
>>>> was not possible at the sfk09, so we should make sure we can do that
>>>> in freesb10.
>>>> I think that by taking away the pressure on albania, we can give that
>>>> team time to grow, they are just starting and things will take time to
>>>> work.
>>>> What do you think? Please respond? I am open to all suggestions.
>>>> mike
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