[sponsorship] Fwd: (late) paper submissions?

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here is another paper submission,
david would be great to get.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dave Hall <dave.hall@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 7:24 AM
Subject: (late) paper submissions?
To: dashohoxha@xxxxxxxxx, banago@xxxxxxxxx
Cc: Mike Dupont <jamesmikedupont@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


I have just realised that I missed the submission deadline for FREESB
2010.  I lost track of the deadline as I was travelling with a hectic
schedule over the last 3 weeks. I thought the cut off was later in the
month.  If it is not to late, please consider the following proposals.

Talk: Running Hundreds of Drupal Sites - Easily
Managing large numbers of production sites can be time consuming, even
painful. Drupal supports multiple sites from a single code base, but
this doesn't doesn't help much when you are dealing with more than a
handful of sites at a time. The Aegir project changes all this. Dave
Hall will explain how he used Aegir and Drupal to deploy and manage
thousands of production sites.

Audience: People with some Drupal Experience
Time: 45min-1hr
Previously presented: DrupalSouth
Proposed for various conferences in the coming months
In process of updating and polishing talk

Talk: Introduction to Drupal
Drupal is a powerful content management system.  During this session
Dave will give attendees attendees an overview of Drupal and how it can
be used.  The talk will focus on the basics, what it is, how it works,
where to find resources and why you should use it.

Audience: Project Managers, Graphic Designers & curious LAMP Developers
Time: 45min-1hr
Previously presented: Intro training session

Workshop: Deploying and Managing Hundreds of Drupal Sites - Easily
Managing large numbers of production sites can be time consuming, even
painful. Drupal supports multiple sites from a single code base, but
this doesn't doesn't help much when you are dealing with more than a
handful of sites at a time. The Aegir project changes all this. Dave
Hall will explain how he uses Aegir and Drupal to deploy and manage
thousands of production sites. In this workshop, Dave will walk
attendees through installing aegir, building a platform and deploying
their first site. At the end of the session participants should be
confident using aegir and associated tools to manage their Drupal sites.

Audience: Intermediate Drupal Developers & Sys Admins with LAMP
Time: 1/2 day (4hrs), could be extended to full day session
Note: Extended hands on version of talk above

Workshop: Introduction to Drupal
Drupal is a powerful content management system, but for new users it can
be a little overwhelming.  In this session Dave will walk participants
through the building blocks of Drupal and help them build their first
site.  At the end of the session users will have built a basic drupal
site with some third party modules and an off the shelf theme.

Audience: People with some LAMP experience, no Drupal experience
Time: 1/2 day (4hrs), would consider extending it upon request

About Me
Dave is Managing Director of Dave Hall Consulting. When he isn't working
with clients to build high quality web applications, he is working with
them to improve their infrastructure. Dave lives less than 2 hours drive
from Melbourne Australia in Green Gully near Newstead with his partner
and 2 boys. Dave has been using Drupal since the days of 4.7. Until
recently he was working in France building, deploying and managing
around 2100 Drupal 6 sites with around 400,000 users.

Other Info
I would need accommodation and assistance with airfares from Australia.
I am attempting to propose these sessions as late submissions for FLOSSK
2010 too.  I am pretty flexible with offering other Drupal related
material if you desire.

Please feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss this further.



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