[sponsorship] focus on prishtina

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After some discussion with the flossk team, I would like to make a
change in plan for freesb2010.

I suggested before that we extend the events to tirana and shkoder so
that we can have presentations there as well.
This is a good idea, because it takes the focus away from one place,
and we bring the events to more people in more places.

We had plans of going to prizren and gjakova as well, so I would like
to suggest the following addition to our plans.

 I am going to suggest that we extend the freesb all the up to the
beginning of sfk09. We would move all the events in kosovo to the
20-24 of Sept in Prishtina.
We would find sponsors to bring buses of people from vlore, tirana and
shkoder to Prishtina. and we would setup a large military type refugee
camp for tenting. Basically we would have for our local guests tents
for them to stay in. that way we can save on hotel costs.

The freesb events should be in a barcamp type style, that way we can
avoid having the fixing of speakers.
We will contact the different unis in prishtina for hosting events. We
can also have a big hack tent where we can hold the event as well.
In case of major rain, we should have backup plans for each day.  The
outdoor tents will need power and wifi coverage. it could be alot of

The talks in prizren and gjakova and other places are still open for
discussion. I think a one day trip there on sunday the 19th is also
possible, we will see.

We will still aim for a small mini conference in vlore, tirana and
shkoder, but because we have no sponors, and very small teams, we
cannot hope to bring many international speakers there. We hope to be
able to find more people who will stay an extra day in prishtina to do

The good thing about this is that freesb is an event that we can
change as needed, we can be flexible and we dont have a big steering
committe to worry about. I hope that we can also have fundraising
sales there for flossk and flossal, so that we can raise money by
selling teeshirts and have commercial sponsors and food sales. that
was not possible at the sfk09, so we should make sure we can do that
in freesb10.

I think that by taking away the pressure on albania, we can give that
team time to grow, they are just starting and things will take time to

What do you think? Please respond? I am open to all suggestions.


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