Re: [chrony-users] Using cellular network clock as refclock in chrony

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On Wed, Jul 31, 2024 at 09:47:05AM +0000, Amol Lad wrote:
> Is there a way to dynamically adjust these parameters? For example, at startup, the settings can be 'poll 1 filter 1' and my application sends samples every second. After the source is selected, my application can slow down to send samples once every 5 seconds, and the 'filter' can return to its default value and 'poll' can be set to 3."
> Alternatively, can I always use "poll 1 filter 1" irrespective of my application sending samples every seconds or once every 5 seconds?

It cannot be changed in runtime. If you provide samples at a longer
interval than the SOCK polling interval, the reachability register as
shown by chronyc sources will have zeroes, but synchronization should
still work as expected.

> What are the drawbacks of setting 'poll 1 filter 1'?

Less filtering can cause less stable synchronization of the system clock.

Miroslav Lichvar

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