Re: [chrony-users] Certain NTS servers not synching, how to best troubleshoot ?

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On Mon, Jul 29, 2024 at 08:27:41PM +0000, Laura Smith wrote:
> I have a weird situation where I cannot get NTS working to the series of servers (e.g. )
> Other NTS server are working without issue (e.g. so its not 4460 being blocked on a firewall.

What exactly is in your chrony config?

Netnod has separated NTS-KE and NTS-NTP servers:
- is an NTS-KE server (listening on TCP port 4460) 
- is an NTS-NTP server (listening on UDP port 4123)

The config needs to specify the NTS-KE server. The address and port of
the NTS-NTP server is negotiated in NTS-KE.

When it's working correctly, "chronyc sources" should print the
reverse lookup of the NTS-NTP server and "chronyc -N sources" should
print the configured hostname of the NTS-KE server.

Miroslav Lichvar

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