Re: [chrony-users] Chrony and systemd-timesyncd

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On 2024-07-12 13:32, Jan Claußen wrote:
> I have some questions about chrony. I am trying to set up chrony as local NTP server. First I tried to completely substitute systemd-timesyncd with chrony, but this turned out as quite the challenge, because at least on a Yocto system some services are dependent on systemd's timesyncd module.

At least on the Debian system that I use, installing the chrony package automatically removes the systemd-timesyncd service.
I guess on the Yocto system some package dependencies are incorrectly or not very well defined.
Probably there are some services that would require "a timesync mechanism", but it should not be hardwired to be systemd-timesync, chrony, or ntpd.


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