Re: [chrony-users] Re: Re: No packets transmitted when using Yocto 4.3.1

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On 2024-01-02 18:17, infection.many550@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
On Tue, Jan 02, 2024 at 11:54:32AM +0100, Thomas Lange wrote:

AFAICT this bug breaks timestamping via cmsg (i.e. Chrony) for all
32bit platforms using 64bit time. There could be other cases when
SO_TIMESTAMPING is mapped to SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW though. I haven't
looked into that.

Do you know if this includes the "legacy" (bullseye, 32 bit) Raspbian?

Raspbian bullseye seems to have glibc 2.31. I don't think that old version even
properly supports 64bit time for 32bit systems.


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