Re: [chrony-users] No packets transmitted when using Yocto 4.3.1

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On Fri, Dec 15, 2023 at 11:46:57AM +0100, Thomas Lange wrote:
> Hi,
> when I cross compile Chrony for a 32bit ARM system using Yocto 4.3.1, no NTP
> packets are transmitted.
> cmsg_type is set to SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW.
> This is rejected by __sock_cmsg_send() in net/core/sock.c and no packet
> is transmitted:

> Before I dig deeper, I want to check if this is a known issue already?

To me that sounds like a mismatch between installed kernel headers and
the kernel that actually runs the executable. I don't have much
experience with embedded systems. On 32-bit OpenWrt I didn't see any

Miroslav Lichvar

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